Assessment of Mesterolone Therapy in Oligospermic Males: Role of Mesterolone in comparison to combination of mesterolone and clomiphene citrate on semen parameters

By | April 26, 2018
Assessment of Mesterolone Therapy in Oligospermic Males: Role of Mesterolone in comparison to combination of mesterolone and clomiphene citrate on semen parameters

Infertility is known to us since ages. There is an alarming rate of increase of infertility cases especially in the young urban males in India. Keeping this in mind we took up this study to evaluate the role of Mesterolone in oligospermic males . We also compared the role of Mesterolone and the effects of a combined therapy of mesterolone and clomiphene citrate on semen parameters, effect on pituitary axis and liver function.Thirty males with idiopathic oligospermia were included in this study. Out of the thirty subjects,10 were given only tab mesterolone 50 mg b.d .Ten were given 50 mg of tab mesterolone 1 b.d and 25 mg of clomiphene citrate 1 o.d. The remaining 10 were used as controls and given tab vitamin C 75 mg b.d for 4 months. A follow- up study was conducted at the end of 100 , 150 and 200 days for group A,B and C respectively.A complete semen analysis including the differential count was done. The study showed only mesterolone was not effective in comparison to the combination of mesterolone and clomiphene citrate which was much effective and showed 40% increase in sperm concentration.

  • Assessment of Mesterolone Therapy in Oligospermic Males