Antiseptic Wipes: “The only Way To Keep Your Wound Clean!”

By | March 23, 2017

Antiseptic wound wipes are the only way to clean a fresh wound. A little abrasion on the skin, if ignored can lead to infection. The infection may cause scars, which may fade, but not vanish, leaving a mark on the skin for a lifetime. Nobody would really want that, right? A scarred skin!
Centuries ago, every wound was cleaned using various natural and artificial products to cleanse it, prevent infection and heal the wound. A swab dipped in saline water was the most common method used for cleansing followed by application of some antiseptic solution, ointment or powder to prevent infection and promote healing. This procedure was tedious and untreated wounds were prone to infections that usually lead to severe health conditions.
Antiseptic wound wipes are the safest and best solution to promote healing for wounds and prevent infection. These wipes should be used in nail and beauty salon and barber’s shop, tattoo studios as there are major chances of cuts and wounds to the customer as well to the service provider. With HIV being one of the biggest killers in the world today, it is better to use antiseptic wound wipes for those small cuts, abrasions and punctures every time.
The antibacterial wipes are manufactured by leading companies and can be easily purchased online through reliable suppliers like Renowned portals will ensure that you are supplied only the best quality product that meets the US standards and give you the option of bulk packages as well.
You Save When You Buy Online
Whether you are purchasing antiseptic wound wipes for commercial use like in your beauty studio or beauty parlor or for home or office use to keep in the first-aid kit, buying in bulk will always turn out to be more economical.
Types of Antiseptic Wound Wipes
There are various types of antiseptic wipes available that can be used to clean and disinfection different sizes of wounds, cuts or abrasions.
* PVP Iodine swabs and Providone-Iodine Prep Pads : PVP( is a complex chemical called polyvinylpyrroliodine) with iodine acts as a broad spectrum antiseptic
* Antiseptic Towelettes and Antiseptic Wipes: These mainly contain Benzalkonium chloride as the active ingredient which has antiseptic properties. These Towelettes and wipes are widely used in hospitals and salons where antiseptic cleaning is required

For a minor medical emergency, antiseptic wound wipes is what you need in your first-aid kit, whether you are at home or at your work place. It is not possible to sterilize your hands every time before you touch a wound, use antiseptic wound wipes for all small cuts and wounds. Stock up today and be secure for tomorrow!

Charles Dickerson,
Packaging Supplies By Mail,