American Bulldog And Different Skin Diseases

By | December 3, 2017

Different Kinds of Skin Infections

Many different kinds of skin infections can affect dogs. Despite their fur, dogs can be easily infected with skin diseases that can cause adverse effects such as hair loss. The different kinds of dog skin diseases are allergic, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic skin infections. The names imply the sources of the infections. Dog skin diseases caused by allergies are very common in dogs, just as allergies are very common in humans. Dog allergies are caused by the same factors that cause allergies in humans. They are adverse reactions to certain allergens, which are usually dust, molds, insects, unfamiliar particles, and food. Thus, there are different kinds of allergies. Bacterial skin diseases are not contagious. Bacterial skin infections can spread all throughout a dogs body. These skin diseases usually affect areas where skin is folded, such as the chin. The third kind of skin infection in dogs is called fungal skin infection, which, as implied, is caused by fungi. This is contagious to humans, so it is considered very dangerous. Fungal infections are one of the reasons why it is important to wash your hands after holding your dog. If you have several dogs, make sure to separate the others from the infected dogs, since fungal skin infections can also pass from one dog to another.

The Signs of Skin Diseases

To know whether your dog is a victim of skin diseases, be sensitive to your dogs skin. Look for signs of irritated skin. Also, if your dog is itching, thats your first cue. Allergies are usually characterized by skin lesions and even digestive disorders. The infected area can also appear moistened. If the infected area is reddened, itchy, and dries up, and if there is hair loss around the area, the skin infection is probably caused by bacteria. Fungal skin infections, on the other hand, can be detected when the dog develops hair loss in circular patterns, the center of which is very dry. Fungal skin infections can be mostly found in the dogs legs.

Curing Skin Infections in Dogs

If you see signs of skin infections in your dog, it is best to consult your veterinarian first and foremost. In case of skin infections caused by allergies, the only way to effectively solve the problem is to identify the primary source of irritation. That is, the allergen that triggered the adverse reaction. To determine the type or source of allergic reaction, one important factor is the location of the irritated area. However, just as in humans, allergies cannot easily be cured. Attacks can simply be prevented with the help of antihistamines. Bacterial skin diseases can be cured by the proper antibiotic medication or ointment that will work best for it. It is also necessary to clean the infected area using shampoos that contain benzoyl peroxide. Also, since other diseases or allergies can cause skin diseases due to bacteria, it is also important to know the primary cause of the skin disease. Antibiotic agents can cure a skin infection, but in order to keep the skin disease from coming back, curing whatever caused it is more important. However, if the problem is triggered due to a physical factor, such as a deep fold in the skin, surgery may be necessary to cure the skin disease completely. When it comes to fungal skin infections, the best way to prevent and also cure them is to use fungicidal agents or shampoos. Your dog also becomes considered a dangerous carrier, so try to keep the dog away from humans, especially children, at all costs.

To learn more about American Bulldog and to find other high quality breeds, please visit