A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems

By | March 23, 2018
A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep Problems

This book is written for the busy primary care practitioner who needs a practical clinical guide to sleep disorders and their treatment. Information on the most common pediatric sleep disorders is organized by specific disorder and by the most frequent presenting complaints. The emphasis is on the practical application of diagnostic strategies and treatment options. Symptom-based algorithms will enable the practitioner to evaluate sleep complaints in a stepwise manner. Other features include: symptom checklists for specific disorders, a chapter on sleep and medications, and a chapter on sleep problems in special populations. Appendices provide practical tools the practitioner can use to screen for sleep problems, evaluate sleep studies, and provide information and resources for families.

An accompanying CD-ROM includes printable patient education handouts, a list of resources for families, and several sleep evaluation and screening questionnaires.