By | September 27, 2018

These new findings in neuroscience conclude that your thoughts can change the structure of the brain. “It all begins and ends with the mindset”

Most men and women want to generate some sort of change in their lives to help others or to help themselves. They would like to attain the goal. The goal is to learn a new ability, to give up specific behaviors, to get specific assets or abilities, to alter the appearance, or to assist an individual, team or business. The listing is as vast as diverse as we are as humans on the earth’s face. But, for the most part, we all would like to make some adjustments for the betterment of our communities our lives or the planet.

“I’m making changes to myself to reach my objectives!”

Okay. You’ve determined you need to make adjustments in your life. Great! Go do it! Proceed and change, and change for the better. Or simply at the beginning but to keep it or difficult to maintain long enough to achieve that goal.

Is Making Lasting Change So Hard?

To change ways to learn and to employ new ideas and actions – to successfully change ways to keep the new learning and to apply the new behavior (s) consistently over a time period before it will become routine. It actually means to change yourself.

For the individual, transformation through new learning occurs on many levels-spiritual, physical and mental. The results could be tremendous concerning fulfillment that is personal or societal.

For companies or organizations, the personal transformation of volunteers or their team members can enable the entity. This is the core of business and organizational concepts on shift, where a company from the bottom can move towards the top of its class.

The crux of the transformation or change, at any given level, begins with the person.

For centuries education and training, strategies have been designed to address the way you can efficiently learn to change and sustain the shift. Discoveries in neuroscience have shed new light on our ability to make lasting, transformational change in our lives and to learn.

You must physically alter the wiring of your mind… and it can be performed without medications or surgery!

These new findings in neuroscience conclude that your thoughts can change the structure of the brain. Not only any notions applied in any way, but an organized deliberate and repetitive application of exact thoughts has now been proven the arrangement of your mind allowing behaviors that were new to supplant your old ones.

The work of renowned Research Psychiatrist, Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz has found this to be true and he’s developed a”brain shift” strategy that’s effective in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Surprisingly, he has also found that the same approaches can be successfully applied by anyone. Scientists call it self-directed neuroplasticity development practitioners call it a self-leadership change approach. I call it amazing!

So yes, you may begin to change your life, by changing how you’re feeling! Take the first step today by buying a mirror and repeating”Yes I will!”

By: Aman Sharma

Research Psychiatrist, Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz case studies and various online journals.
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Submitted On Sep 20, 2018. Viewed 25 times.

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