How To Cope With Hair Loss At A Young Age

By | August 28, 2018

People tend to think of hair loss in a “not me” kind of way, which can make it all the more devastating for some people when reality sets in. Hair loss can be particularly devastating when a person is young. Hair loss is a socially accepted and expected aspect of growing older, after all, but nobody in their prime even considers the possibility. It happens, however, and for some, it begins as early as the teen years. 

Not a Matter of Fight or Accept 

When dealing with hair loss at a young age, there’s a tendency to want to choose between fighting and acceptance, but it’s important to realize that these approaches are not mutually exclusive. A person can continue striving to overcome their hair loss while also achieving a healthy mental balance. Being okay with hair loss is all right, too, but fighting the good fight can be a cathartic exercise if nothing else. 

Hair Loss Treatments Now 

If you’re ready to fight for your hair, then start investigating hair loss treatments immediately. Hair loss treatments aren’t just for old people, and in fact, many of the treatments on the market have a much higher success rate when applied to young people. Keep in mind that there are many different factors involved in hair loss. People do overcome it all the time, but it’s likely going to require some experimentation, so don’t give up easily. 

Diet and Exercise 

Diet and exercise can play an important role in hair loss at a young age. A healthy lifestyle in and of itself will not prevent or cure hair loss; however, it does put the body in the best possible position to succeed. Eating healthy and exercising at least three times a week is a good start. You’ll also want to speak to a dietitian or a hair loss specialist so that you can emphasis foods known or suspected to promote hair growth. 

Stress Management 

Stress is a natural and unavoidable aspect of life, but left unchecked, stress has a damaging physical effect on the human body. A common symptom is hair loss and retarded hair growth. Regular exercise will help greatly in this regard. It’s also a good idea to learn stress management techniques that you can use at times when exercise isn’t an option. Most importantly, don’t bottle your emotions. 

Body Image and Self-Worth 

Strong mental health is something people often have to work at. Something as simple as positive internal dialogue can have a dramatic, positive effect on one’s outlook. It’s very easy for people, particularly young people and those dealing with hair loss, to allow self-worth to become tied up in body image. This can have a devastating long-term effect on a person, so don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you don’t feel like you can overcome these feelings yourself. 

Choose the Right Hair Styles and Accessories 

Overcoming hair loss won’t happen overnight, which means there will be months and perhaps even years where you’ll have to deal with it. Providing yourself with a positive body image will make that process much easier. The goal is to choose a hairstyle and accessories that accentuate your best features and deemphasize the hair loss. If one needs help, seek out a local beautician. 

Only the Beginning 

For most people, dealing with hair loss will become a significant aspect of their life. Avoiding it won’t help and likely won’t be healthy, so tackle it head on instead. Embrace the challenge. Fostering a positive outlook is perhaps the most important step you can take toward overcoming hair loss, and when you finally achieve you goal, you’ll be a better person for it, too. 

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