I made this eBook to give a parent some insight into what constitutes a sleep consult. These six cases illustrate some of the major points in “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.” Although some of these consults touch on similar themes, you can quickly appreciate how no two consults are exactly the same- that is what makes them so interesting. You will also be surprised at how conversations and styles start to emerge and how malleable the advice in the book can be in real life with real parents! An actual walkthrough of a sleep consult is coming in 2012.
Marc Weissbluth
MARC WEISSBLUTH, M.D., a pediatrician with thirty-five years of experience, founded the original Sleep Disorders Center at Chicago’s Children’s Memorial Hospital and is a professor of clinical pediatrics at Northwestern University School of Medicine. He has lectured extensively to parent groups and has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Marc Weissbluth lives in Chicago, Illinois.