Acne Treatment With Right Medication

By | August 13, 2017

What do you do to keep your face clean? Wash it frequently and undergo a regular skin treatment with the help of cleanser, toner and maintain the moisture content. The easy wash technique is to apply a soft and tender soap solution that hardly has any reaction on the skin but helps in wiping out the dirt. And do you feel all these are sufficient to keep the glow of your skin forever? Is your skin really protected from the curse of acne? The answer is a big no.

Washing and the basic cleaning of your face can be regarded as the preliminary step to keep away from acne. But if the problem is serious and taking an acute shape, without proper medicinal help you cannot cure the ailment. You are right! This is no more at the level of a small pimple on your right cheek but a disease that has to be properly diagnosed and treated through accurate course of medication.

Right medication: Oral and Topical

The medication for acne treatment can be categorized into two parts. One form is what you consume or take orally and the other is what you put on your skin directly. The safest probable way to stop the acne growth is through the application of benzoyl peroxide on skin. You can help yourself with the right dose by using ointments and soaps that have a minimum percentage of benzoyl peroxide as the compositional component.

You must know why you should use benzoyl peroxide and not anything else. The external use of benzoyl peroxide helps your skin to fight against the bacterial growth that are on the other hand responsible for the acne formation on the skin. Hence you can see that benzoyl peroxide acts as a de-rooting agent thereby inhibiting the acnes to form.

Antibiotics are often among the prescribed course. Antibiotics are exclusively meant for bacteria killers. Hence the dermatologists suggest going for a combined treatment. Antibiotics are to be taken as pills, hence orally and benzoyl peroxide as ointment or lotion, thus topically.

Retinoid, commonly known as Vitamin A is a great healer of acnes. Doctors prescribe vitamin A mainly as Retinoid lotion or Topical Retinoid. Using this lotion can block the growth of blackheads on your skin. In this way you can check the acne growth at the primary stage. Retinoid taken as oral medicine is also helpful for your skin because it helps to maintain an oil-free skin.

Instead of beating about the bush you must follow a prescribed course of medicines and heal yourself completely at the earliest. Do you agree?

Find more acne and pimple info online.
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