Why I Bought A Women's Fitness Studio

By | November 7, 2018

My wife and I bought a Kaia FIT franchise in Davis California recently I could not be happier about our decision to operate a business that can make a significant difference in the lives of women in Davis and the surrounding area.

In my 52 years (so far) on this planet, I have been married or in a relationship for more than half of that time. I have observed a commonality in my partners and within the group of female friends and female work associates that has caused a growing concern over the past decades. This concern revolves around the challenges women face in regards to body image and the insidious desire to improve part or all of their bodies and the resulting constant self-evaluation that is usually quite unkind.

I am not saying that men do not share some of these body image issues but society (mostly men and media) has created a body image, beauty, and form standard for women that is unreasonable and frankly, potentially harmful.

The danger in the body image conundrum is that women judge themselves unfavorably which causes negative self-talk, unhealthy dieting, short-term weight loss “quick fixes” and binge exercising that can cause injury.

What I seek to effect in the long term is: 

  • Healthy habits that include a positive “love my body” culture, a supportive community
  • Access to a quality exercise program that strives to accommodate different fitness levels and avoid injuries
  • Access to sustainable nutrition information to promote healthy eating.

These components, I believe are the key to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and Kaia FIT, in many parts,  provides the platform to accomplish this. But it is up to us, as a society, to create the culture within the community that highlights these positive approaches to health and gets away from weight and measurements as the indicator of wellness. It is imperative that we change the narrative and inner dialogue away from size and onto physical, mental and spiritual well being.

I am ready to fight for this cause through my ability to influence coaches and members to shed the societal pressures of form and shape and focus on the long-term health and well being of women. I have seen too much self- loathing and negativity in my life and I want to change that.

Love your body and seek health through a powerful mind and a strong body.

Norbert Mede
Co-owner, Kaia FIT Davis



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Kaia FIT Womens Fitness Programs