7 Ways to Strengthen and Support Children’s Positive Mental Health

By | September 23, 2018
family, positive, walk
Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

For kids to grow up happy and healthy mental health is as important as physical. And this is often overlooked. Mental health means having a healthy mind and body and being able to see things around us as are, it influences our perception of the world and ourselves. Kids are exposed to different types of emotions both at home and at school, even at the playground, from happiness to frustration and disappointment and teaching them how to cope with them in the right way is absolutely essential for helping them, maintain positive mental health.

Help them understand it is not permanent

Kids who experience bad emotions for the first time, like sadness, frustration or anger tend to feel overwhelmed by them and are not capable of understanding that is just a temporary state. This is why it is important to talk them through these emotions, explaining that it is temporary. As you know emotional injuries are quite similar to physical ones in the sense that it takes time for them to heel. Teaching your child how to deal with these emotions rather than suppress them is one of the most important lessons.

Help them acquire knowledge

Through education comes an additional level of emotional matureness. When they learn new things their understanding of the world grows and they tend to see and perceive things differently than before. This is why education plays such a crucial role in children’s mental health. Luckily, there are a lot of great education foundation scholarships that can provide them with the necessary conditions for them to continue and acquire knowledge.

girl, smile, happy
Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash

Take them seriously

Going – Aww you are so cute when you are angry- is not their right way of dealing with your child’s emotions. It is important to take them seriously, listen to their reasons, acknowledge why they feel the way they feel and make sure you guide them through the entire process.

Control their tech usage

We live in a world where technology has taken over our lives and lives of our kids. They start to learn to use smart phones and tablets at the age of two, and instead of talking to one another they keep texting, liking or discussing things online. So in order to avoid this detachment from the real world it would be a good idea to limit the amount of time they spend using tech per day. Start by limiting your own, put down your gadgets and spend time in conversation or playing games with your child. The best way to show them is by example.

boy, playing, lego
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Provide security

In order to grow into an emotionally stable individual your child needs to feel safe. And the best way to do this is to provide them with a well-devised daily routine. From meal and bedtimes to pay time, and travel routines. That way they can develop a sense of safety, and if this routine gets interrupted be there to explain the situation to them and help them cope.

Be encouraging

Overcoming insecurities is a part of growing up and it might be the most difficult one mentally. Nonetheless it is important and it can help your child learn how to deal with them as they don’t necessarily stop as we get older. Realistic encouragement is key. Saying to your kid they are always perfect can have harmful side effects as they get older, they won’t know if they are actually good at something. So praise them when the time is right, but also give them constructive criticism if the situation calls for it.

family, love, together
Photo by Rhone on Unsplash

Seek timely help

If you notice some behavioral changes or your child’s inability to shop proper emotional responses in certain situations it is best to ask for professional help. That way you can get a second opinion, since we as parents tend to be quite subjective when it comes to our kids. And you might even get some great pieces of advice you can use later on in order to help your child grow and develop both physically and mentally.

These are just some of the ways you can help your child develop positive mental health. Of course, each of these needs to be adjusted to suit your child’s individual needs, only then will you be able to see the effects.

Sound Health Doctor