3BL Media’s Guide to Telling Your ESG Story to the Press

By | August 21, 2022

Download our latest eGuide for tips on how to tell an ESG story that packs a punch.

Batman and Robin. Thelma and Louise. Shrek and Donkey. We all know the hero and lovable sidekick trope. But, have you ever thought about your environmental, social, governance (ESG) communications strategy this way?

By positioning your community partners as the hero in your ESG story, you can win over audiences and make friends in newsrooms everywhere. Our TriplePundit editors see this first-hand everyday. When companies take a backseat in the narrative and allow the impacted communities to take center-stage, their stories pack a punch.

Our latest eGuide, “How to Avoid the Most Common Mistake in ESG Communications,” will walk you through how to reframe the way you tell your ESG story. Filled with insights from our TriplePundit team, this guide will help your stories reach and resonate with key stakeholders.

In addition to the importance of taking an impact-first approach, this guide covers:

  • How to tailor your pitch to different publications
  • How to prep your senior leaders to ace every interview
  • How sponsored content can help your story go farther

Download our eGuide “How to Avoid the Most Common Mistake in ESG Communications” to learn how to translate your ESG initiatives into a compelling narrative that magnifies the impact of your organization’s work.

Source: RealWire

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