23andMe DNA Test – Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service – 75+ Online Reports – includes at-home saliva collection kit

By | April 22, 2018
23andMe DNA Test - Health + Ancestry Personal Genetic Service - 75+ Online Reports - includes at-home saliva collection kit

Ancestry reports
– 5 reports including: Ancestry Composition, Maternal & Paternal Haplogroups, Neanderthal Ancestry, Your DNA Family
– DNA Relative Finder: Find and connect with relatives in the 23andMe database who share DNA with you. (opt-in)

Genetic Health Risk reports*
– 5+ reports including: Celiac Disease, Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease
Carrier Status reports*
– 40+ reports including: Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hereditary Hearing Loss
Wellness reports
– 5+ reports including: Deep Sleep, Lactose Intolerance, Genetic Weight
Traits reports
– 15+ traits including: Male Bald Spot, Sweet vs. Salty, Unibrow

Raw Data
– Access your raw, uninterpreted genetic data file.** Must not be used for medical or diagnostic purposes.
Share, compare and discover more with friends and family
– Trace DNA through your close family and explore the genetic similarities and differences between you and family members.

  • Receive 75+ online personalized genetic reports (browse images for a full list of reports)
  • Before purchasing, review important information at 23andme.com/test-info
  • Subject to 23andMe’s Terms of Service at 23andme.com/tos and Privacy Statement at 23andme.com/privacy
  • Understand what your DNA says about your health, traits and ancestry
  • Provide a saliva sample using our at-home kit and send it back. No additional lab fee required. Results ready in about 6-8 weeks