10 Organizations that Need Your $$$ On International Women’s Day

By | March 7, 2020

Oh hay, it’s March 8, which means that it’s International Women’s Day. Yes, today is obv an ideal day to shout out your favorite females in your life but why not take the lady appreciation one step further and use your extra moolah (even if it’s just a few bucks) to support a group that puts words into action.

These 10 fight for the advancement and equality of women, from providing accessible health care to encouraging women to pursue successful careers. Consider donating to one RTFN.

1. Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Senate Democrats Hold Rally To Oppose GOP's Obamacare Repeal Efforts

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This powerhouse group provides people with access to reproductive health care, from safe and professional abortion practices to affordable birth control and cancer screenings.


2. Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Bloomingdale's Kicks Off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with The Estee Lauder Companies Benefiting The Breast Cancer Research Foundation

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As the largest breast cancer research foundation, BCRF has raised over half a billion (yes, billion with a B) dollars for the prevention and cure of breast cancer, the deadliest and most common cancer in women. Your donation helps the BCRF discover new methods for detecting cancer earlier, develop more efficient treatments, and save more lives.


3. Center for Reproductive Rights

This global advocacy organization employs all their legal muscle to ensure that reproductive rights are human rights. By contributing to the center, your money goes directly to litigation for women health care.


4. Dress for Success

By providing women with a support network, professional fits, and development tools, Dress for Success empowers people to gain economic independence and thrive at work (bless). You can support them with both financial and clothing donations.


5. Equality Now

This one all about calling out inequality and challenging cultural stereotypes and assumptions that inhibit fair treatment of women and girls. It’s mission is to end sexual violence, sex trafficking, female genital mutilation, and achieve equality.


6. Girls Not Brides

Child brides have limited freedom and are often deprived of fundamental rights to health, education and safety; Girls Not Brides is a partnership of organizations from over 100 countries that work to end that practice and help empower girls. You can choose to donate to a specific organization and ensure that your money goes directly to the small, isolated communities that need it the most.



CARE believes that focusing on women and girls is key in the movement to end poverty around the world. Your donation would help to stop hunger or provide emergency aid.


8. Malala Fund

Malala Yousafzai, Education Advocate and Co-founder of the...

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At just 17 years old, Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person to receive a Nobel Peace Prize. Now the Malala Fund is empowering and championing the right for girls to have a free, safe education.


9. Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a movement to close the gender gap in technology by offering opportunities for girls (and women!) to learn more about computer science and to help start a career in tech. By donating to Girls Who Code, your support actively fights the gender inequality in male-dominated workforces.


10. Emily’s List

EMILY's List 30th Anniversary Gala

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Emily’s List is focused on one cause: getting pro-choice Democratic women elected in office. Given that there are no female candidates left in the Presidential race, now more than ever it’s crucial for more women to get on the ballot in 2020.


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