Tag Archives: growing

A Growing Health Threat – Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria ESBL

The antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) is killing people. Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs) are actually enzymes produced by certain types of bacteria. The enzymes act as an immunological defense that makes the bacteria resistant to the very antibiotics commonly used to treat them. ESBL is joining the widely-spread MRSA and other resistant bacteria in… Read More »

health club marketing, health club consulting, health club promotions, grow the health club, growing the health club, health club consulting, health c

Video marketing has been around for a lot longer than most health clubs realized. This form of health club marketing has been done through sales videos and presentations for many years. It is just now beginning to be popular though, because of YouTube and other social media that allows you to upload videos on the… Read More »