Tag Archives: Calorie

Calorie Calculator for Cycling

How many calories does cycling burn? How many calories burned cycling depends on various factors such as body weight, gender and level of fitness. Other factors such as distance and intensity also need to be taken into account. You are generally more likely to burn more calories the faster you cycle, simply because the body… Read More »

Running Calorie Calculator

Interval training burns more calories than steady paced moderate intensity exercises A review of studies has suggested that a mixture of various types of intense exercises interrupted with brief recovery periods can help individuals lose more weight compared to steady paced activity on an exercise bike or treadmill. Data was examined from 41 studies in… Read More »

Sample of 800 calorie a day diet

Simply limit your daily intake to calories a day and the benefits will be amazing. And those are just a few of the benefits. Good food can boost your immune system, give you energy and even impact your mood. My advice? Turn to the Med. The Fast diet involves cutting your calories intake to a… Read More »

A low-carb diet may be better for weight loss than calorie cutting – Insider – INSIDER

A low-carb diet and exercise plan could be twice as effective as calorie restriction in helping people with diabetes lose weight, new research has found. That’s because temporarily decreasing carbohydrate consumption can help restore normal levels of insulin, reducing the “hidden risk” of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The keys are to focus on high-quality… Read More »