Valium valium no drama obama

By | 06.04.2018

valium valium no drama obama

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3 thoughts on “Valium valium no drama obama

  1. Fer

    This drug has literally saved my life. It's the only thing that has eased my horrendous anxiety. I have tried SSRI's, exercise, meditation and yoga and NOTHING compares to the instant calm I feel with this. I take .5mg as needed. For someone with panic disorder and GAD, this is my "insulin." I wish doctors would listen to their patients and not be so afraid of prescribing this drug. As long as it's not abused and you have a vigilant doctor, it could possibly improve your life to the point of functioning again. I keep a couple in my purse in case of an attack. Somehow just knowing it's there eases my mind so I can function better. It's that good.

  2. Gokasa

    did not work I had no side effects but it did not help my panic attacks what so ever. I was taken off it after a few days due to it not helping.

  3. Tagore

    was given as alternate to Ambien, had sever side effects burning Eyes, & skin loss of sleep when trying to stop jumpiness feeling uneasy and extreme anxiety

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