Valium pills street value

By | 18.03.2018

valium pills street value

Soooo my friend has alot of pills. I known him my whoe life. He has the same problem I have with opiates so he just wants to sell em off. What. How much would you pay (in USD) for 10mg Valiums? I'm planning to detox from heroin for a few weeks and I'm looking to make it as painless. VALIUM is being sold on the streets for up to ?3 a pill, a Daily Star Sunday investigation has found. IllCanabillyVanillyJan 14, It may be helpful to call the police using a payphone in case they don't trust you and pills the situation to them. IllCanabillyVanillyJan 18, LouisFeb 22, The Street knows he is struggling to sfreet of drugs. Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show value.


2 thoughts on “Valium pills street value

  1. Gukree

    I don't like medication in general but this one got me thru work ,divorced single parent of 2 children. No side affects, very qualified professional work. Then I became wheelchair disabled on the job, I was ripped off by family of 96,000 dollars during a 2yr hospitalization. With corticosteroids I resumed the 5mg valium which helped. For me I only need 1 a day although prescribed 4, so they last me 6 mos to a year. IM LUCKY for I don't like to feel dopey just normal. If I've gotten into an insomnia state for a stressful situation with my autoimmune condition is the only time I'd taken 2 to sleep if tylenol pm didn't work.

  2. Mazushicage

    Definitely does the right thing by preventing a panic attack, but by no means is it a long term solution pill. I only use them in quick, special needs cases.

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