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By | 01.11.2017

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1 thoughts on “Buy valium san diego car crash

  1. Yozshukasa

    My doctor prescribed this to me for the depressive episodes (as part of my bipolar dx). At 0.5mg, that was sufficient to stop crying, but I was exhausted, mentally. Perhaps numb. Not sure if it was from the depression/crying or the medicine. At 1mg, it knocks me out. I now use it mainly for insomnia, and no more than once a week. Any more than 0.5mg at 11pm and I will not get up on time for work. Because this is my own use, I confided in a friend (who had a stroke) and he confessed he had been doing the same thing until his MD stopped him. I believe insomnia may be a good use for this medicine IF USED CORRECTLY. I know it may have addictive potential. Monitor yourself.

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